


"It was a Machiavellian manipulation."

Serge Lammens (witness, Berlin) was the administrative director of Somniki, the Belgian mining company that was taken over by BANRO in 1996. He reported that BANRO laid off all 6000 local workers only a few months after they took over of the company.


"BANRO has "impunity "for the entire duration of the mine project."

Raf Custers (expert, Berlin) is a Belgian historian and journalist. In his book “Chasseurs de matières premières” he highlights the history of the Canadian mining company BANRO in South Kivu and the role of the World Bank in the revision of the mining contracts after the Second Congo War.


"The measures to improve mining have ultimately led to fraud."

Zacharie Bulakali (expert) is an expert in artisanal and industrial mining in the DR Congo. He acts as a liaison officer between the local civil society organizations and the Congolese mining authorities. He heads various research projects in the Great Lakes region.